Friday, November 5, 2010

Some favorite stores, hangouts,

Believe it or not I'm still up...and reading more of my journal.  I got to thinking about the stores that we loved going to...(I'm going from memory)... Crafts Frames and Things; The Mole Hole; Tin Originals; West Wood Shopping center; West Wood Christian Book Store; Kirklands; Windsor Mall; Cross Creek Mall; Roses; Sky City; Food Lion; Krogers; Tally Wood Shopping Center; and that's all I can think of...its kinda funny why I would remember so many places..but after all we lived at Pope AFB-near Fort Bragg for 9 years!   If you ask me that's a long time for anyone to be stationed in one place. ;)   There's one road (name of road) that sticks in my head..Yadkin Road.   There must have been someone we knew that either lived near there, or a store we used to mind is working over time.  Hah 

I'll probably have some interesting dreams centered around all of this...places, and people we used to know.   I always thought it would be fun to run across these folks in the future...who knows, with the internet these days....the world some how seems a wee bit smaller...with every single person out there with some sort of, some other sort of place for peeps to hang out.   I can remember when, *way back when* pen pals were the fad.  By the time I was 20 years old, I was writing to 21 pals from Kuwait (before any wars), to Germany, to Barbados, to Jordan, to so and so on!   I thought my mother would go crazy!  Me writing almost every week to these folks, well really teenagers, and some my age...writing was my way of staying in touch, my bedroom was my place to *hang out* to curl up with note paper and pen...jotting down thoughts...and almost anything that came to mind.   My clothes closet was filled with shoe boxes of every letter and picture saved.  You don't know how many times I would hear those famous words..."You need to go through all those letters and toss them!"  these words lingered over head....yet, I found some nook and cranny to stick more letters, behind books, between journals...just some place they wouldn't be found.  Mom didn't like that I was becoming the worlds worst pack rat...*but a good kind of rat!* LOL...   well... I must say... the clock keeps on ticking...and I must get some sleep before the dawning of a new day...don't forget to set your clocks this Sunday... have a good weekend... bye!  


Empty Nester said...

Hope you still have all those letters- it would be awesome to read them now! Following you from Over 40! Have a great weekend!

Sketches by Mary said...

Well, not sure if I still have all the letters but I will say this...I have 2 or 3 big ol' boxes in my storage closet filled with letters from family members and there could be some from a pen pal too... I think hubby would like me to go through those and toss! LOL Thanks for coming by I appreciate your comment! :O)


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