Saturday, March 6, 2010

week in review

My week of work went very well.  The group of children I have in my care are for the most part pretty good kids.   We've started working on manners this month.  Monday the children will receive 5 coupons, if they do well they get to keep the coupons and earn 5 points for that day, the next day it starts all over again.  If they forget to be polite, 1 coupon will be taken away...if this happens several times in one day, all 5 coupons will be taken away.   At the end of the month the children with the most points will receive a prize.  I'm excited that maybe this will help the children remember whats important.  Of course, they're all excited over the little girl just gets way too excited. Just too cute!

We had a visitor too, Tiny Tim the turtle paid us a visit, for show n' tell.    He's a cute lil' guy. 
Thursday of next week we'll be working on a special science project.  Shhhh-its a secret for now.  I will tell about it on another post (next week).  ;O)  

 In the month of April we'll be learning about Safety.  With summer vacation around the corner, children will need to learn the importance of staying safe.   I will have all kinds of projects for them to work on...I don't think there will be a contest this time. 

This weekend, like I mean today...I'm busy with drawing a picture for children to color. And writing out little tid bits for a newsletter for work.   So I'm keeping busy as usual.  

Also, I just want to thank you all for coming by to visit my blog last week, thank you Mrs. 4444's for taking the time to link me up to your blog!  How nice.   Once I get things done that have to be done, I want to visit all my visitors blogs.  Really, I do.   I will.  

And I'm really hoping that I get the hang of getting my button posted up...I know I've done it before for another blog I I CAN do it.    See you all later gators... and I hope you'll all come by to read another time! 

1 comment:

Cranky Mommy said...

My girls have been singing Tiny Tim for the last week. Seeing your turtle makes me think about getting one, too.


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