Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday, again?!

I think all the energy I had Sunday must've got up and left... cause today, was a draggy kind of day.  Went to work as usual, but got home and had to take a large nap.  goodness.  Three hours long.  wowie.   Work went very well.  Kids were good. 

And now its long into the night, and I should be sleepy...I'm gettin' there.... well, I will try to do better tomorrow.  

I've changed my background again.  I'm amazed at all the creative backgrounds out neat.  I liked the one I had before with the little girl sittin' in a swing, but had to try somethin' different.   I would love to make my own backgrounds, alas, I'm still learning how to use my photoshop stuff.. gosh...huge program... I've had it for about 8 years now.   You'd think I'd know something by now...and I do a little... day I'll get there. 

Well...hope your day is filled with all kinds of blessings!  Mary

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